17-01-05: Hi, Jan. |
I touched real Ro80 by
chance! I went with sixteen friends from Automobilklub Wielkopolski to
Moto-Veteran-Bazaar in Lodz yesterday (16-01-05 -webm.) I hadn’t motorbike so it was typical
meeting and spy journey ;-)
Our bus slowed down before bazaar area and just then I saw big white famously looking car passed our VW LT slowly. (For Christ save, Ro80!) And her driver was trying to find a parking place! First thing what I done: find NSU. It was white Ro80 model 1970 with fake (Audi) jewellery and 60- 65 year old owner. He putted out sheet of paper with text: 'The only one in Poland” (it is not true!) and told potential buyers: “I drove here to sell it today”. I wasn’t able to buy her now. It wasn’t real problem but I cooled down after base inspection and long talk with owner. |
An old man bought NSU in
1984. The car was very untypical for Polish terms and fresh crashed (huge
hitting in left back) so he paid only some pennies, afterwards low cost
repaired and daily drove. The most unfortunately thing: this Ro80 has Audi
piston engine, typical pedal-steering clutch and gearbox.
She has a lot of signs 20-year low cost exploitation and ticking time: fatigue interior, some little damages after parking colissions and much rust bubbles and deforms because of poor done body overhaul. The owner had very tiny car knowledge (even named her Audi, or Auto-Union, or rarely NSU!) There was some candidate to buying this Ro80 few weeks before (unknowing me Ro80 owner from Szczecin) but he shifted reverse gear. ;-) The heart told me: 'Take her! Save her!' The brain: “No, no, no! This is totally defeat! Restore your first love sporting Skoda before! You will find better Ro80!” Brain won. Maybe I will regret it but I couldn’t treat the near dead car (for example this white fatigue Ro80) like used parts reservoir. The car found new owner quite fast, after 3 hours standing. With regards, Radek Borowicki Poland |