Grenoble summer 2002, Ro 80 Cemetary?
Sorry no French yet, do you want to translate this?
From the webmaster: this is what i found this
summer near Grenoble situated in the French Alpes. My son saw -while we were
traveling in the south of France- a NSU Ro 80, I could not believe it, because
of the fact that in twenty years i had never seen a Ro 80 "live"in France. But
he insisted, and i was forced to go back. And there was really a Ro 80, and even
more there where almost 10 of them! A complete nest! It was my lucky day, the
owner was not found so i made some nice pictures and we went on.
One week later -on our way back north- I wanted
to so see if there was more to find out-. So we went back. Now the garage was
opened and a nice mecanicien told me that his boss would arrive in 30 minutes.
So I had the oppertunity to make photo's from the inside of the Garage and some
nice close up's from the Ro cemetary outside.
I could see that this was more than restplace/rustplace
for old Ro's, it was a garage specialised in Wankel stuff. I saw
wankelspiders, Birotors, several Mazda's RX 7 's, also an M 35 and a Suzuki RE 5
and much more. There where also things to see ready for a Wankel exposition. The
owner arrived and we had a nice conversation about this "wonder" in France. The
garagist mister Yves Riondet showed me his fotoalbums and i did promish him that
i would make a webpage in my fotoalbum of everthing that the camera has seen.
The last foto I wanted to make was from mister Riondet himself, but my
camerafilm was full and I did not have a new film anymore. Maybe someone can
provide me whith a picture of mister Yves Riondet. He is a member of the French
NSU club. He had plans to go to Lahr this year. To the treffen -100 year Wankel-
.If you are near to Grenoble you should visit him and see it all fot your
self. It is located at the south side of the city -route National 85- Also
called Napoleon's route, at the little town of Vizille. ASee the map left. At
the white dot. There is a campingsite and a big supermarket.
You will have to scroll, there are more then 30
pictures. The pictures are a bit to dark, maybe you can do someting about it by
changing brightness on your monitor. Have fun and special greetings to all
French visitors.
Yves Riondet /Jan Hullegie